ACORNS supper dance will be held at Colwall Village Hall on Friday, September 21 at 7.30pm. Music by the Margaret Morris Five. Dress is optional. Tickets available from John Goodwin Estate Agents, Colwall, Cradley Post Office & Stores and John Stoddard.

A new Colwall Brownie Pack has been formed by the amalgamation of the dormant 1st Colwall Brownie Pack and 2nd Colwall, the Downs School pack. Brownies meet on Thursdays from 6pm to 7.30pm at Colwall Village Hall. Girls aged from seven to ten years old are most welcome to join. Inquiries to Pam Sarginson, Brownie Guider 01684 572975.

Malvern Water Open Day is to be held tomorrow (Saturday) from 11am to 3pm during which there will be an opportunity to see the famous Malvern Water being produced, also to enjoy some entertainment and refreshments. Schweppes first started bottling Malvern Water in 1851 and as such this year is the 150th Anniversary. Admission is free and anyone interested in the factory tour is urged to book in advance, as spaces are limited. Please contact Julie or Janet on 540613.

There is to be a Colwall Young Families Lunch at the Ale House on September 23 starting at 11.45am with fun and games. Food will be served from 12.30pm. If you have a child/children under 16 years of age, please come along and enjoy a break from the kitchen. Please contact Rosie on 540895.

Now is the time to start turning out in readiness for the Scout jumble sale. This year it is to be held on September 29 starting at 2pm. As well as jumble, there will be a raffle, home made cake stall and refreshments will be available. Entrance will be 20p per head. During the week prior to the sale Scouts will be collecting from each house and street in the village. If you have anything large that will need special collection, please call Ken Lloyd on 540623 or the sale co-ordinator Kirsten Brown on 01531 6407366.

The Percy Picton Memorial Lecture will be given by Daphne Foulsham, who is chairman of the National Gardens Scheme. This will be held in the village hall on Monday, October 1 at 7pm. Admission is by ticket only. Members £6 and visitors £7. Tickets from Goodwins, Colwall or contact 01684 540931 or 01684 540848. Proceeds to the Percy Picton Memorial Fund.

All those loose coins brought back from holidays abroad can be given to Macmillan Cancer Relief. These must be handed in before the end of 2001 after which the new Euro currency comes in to effect in many European countries. Loose coins can be left at Goodwins, Walwyn road, or Betty Gordon, Kindons, Old Church Road, Colwall.