FRIENDS, colleagues and clients gathered at Welland Village Hall last Sunday lunchtime to pay tribute and express good wishes and a long and happy retirement to our local veterinary, Mike Williams BVSc, MRCVS. Mike has been in practice in Upton-upon-Severn for 35 years and has been supported by a very loyal team of staff, some who had travelled quite a distance for Sunday's occasion. A buffet lunch was provided by The Stocks Veterinary Centre and enjoyed by all. A presentation was made which included a vintage bottle of whisky, which proved quite difficult to obtain as it had been ceremoniously placed in a cardboard cow 'Bella' made by Matthew (and very lifelike). This had to be extracted by Mike but quite a few blown-up balloons had also been placed in Bella's abdomen, so it was felt a caesarean was called for. Of course, a surgical tray was on hand for the operation. Mike deftly removed the parcel to receive his gift, added to this a large cheque was also presented to Mike from the clients. Speeches and a suitable toast were made. Special thanks to Jo Lewis and Tracy Brand from The Stocks for a superb do and to the new owner of The Stocks Jo Hamett for providing the lunch and contributing to a very happy occasion. As well as Mike retiring a special presentation was made to Judy Davies who has been with the veterinary practice and I think actually trained with Mike, she has now also retired, so much to her surprise she also went home with goodies. Thank you to you both, enjoy your retirement.

On Wednesday evening Birtsmorton Parish Church was filled to capacity for the installation of Rev Joy Birkin as associate vicar for our benefice by the Venerable Dr Joy Tetly, Archdeacon of Worcester. Thank you to everyone who came and supported in any way especially the choir who sang a beautiful anthem under the leadership of Les Williams and to my fellow churchwardens for all their support and help. It was lovely to see our vicar Arthur even though for a short time but we wish him well as he continues his recovery to full health. Thank you to Giles Turner for playing the organ so beautifully to accompany the favourite hymns Joy had picked for the occasion. Thank you to Chris Hardwicke (Rural Dean) for making sure we all did what we were supposed to do at the right time and a special thank you to Bill Peters for leading us in and out of church carrying the cross (kindly loaned by Hollybush Parish Church). After the service a bring and share supper was held in the Old Motor House at Birtsmorton Court, courtesy of Mr and Mrs N Dawes. Thank you to everyone who brought a plate of food and helped with supper in any way. A joyous occasion enjoyed by all.