WORCESTER police are making a plea for people to come forward to become Special Constables.

They are holding an open evening for prospective new recruits at their Castle Street headquarters on Tuesday, October 2, from 7pm to 9pm.

"Specials are often perceived as 'hobby bobbies' but the contribution they make plays a vital part in our ability to meet the increasing demands placed on the police service today," said acting superintendent Rod Reynolds.

"The type of work you do from nine to five is not relevant to how you will perform as a Special Constable, it is more about the kind of person you are.

"A mature, sensible attitude combined with a commitment to serving your community is ideal."

Specials normally work no more than four hours a week and are given a uniform and boot allowance as well as out-of-pocket expenses.

They are given a thorough grounding in police work before starting, which covers the structure and role of the police service, the duties of a police officer including powers of arrest, criminal law, court procedures and how to give evidence.

Recruits must be fit and healthy and between 18 and a half and 55 years old.

They also need to be of good character and be British, Irish or Commonwealth citizens.

Male and female volunteers can come from all walks of life, but members of certain professions, including the armed services, traffic wardens, the fire service and those working in the private security industry are not eligible.

There is no height requirement.

For more information on the specials or an application contact Becky Clay on 01905 331007.