Rating:Two star

THIS is Jamiroquai's latest offering to the music world.

And funk of a kind is what you ultimately get which, after fingering through a handy Concise Oxford Dictionary, had a variety of meanings.

A coward, fear or panic or even a strong smell. But none of these really sums up the album, unfortunately.

No, it has much more. A mixture of 70s disco beats and futuristic Daft Punk-esque sounds make the album listen-able in parts, which climaxes with the best track on the album Little L.

This is the fifth time the Cat in the Hat, better known as Jay Kay, has released an album and they are slowly deteriorating.

After the cult successes of The Return Of The Space Cowboy and Travelling Without Moving, Mr Kay has taken a turn for the worse.

Syncronized was not as good and now A Funk Odyssey is poor.

Time to loosen up the hats which are affecting your brain capacity, Mr Kay.