DESPITE the fact that most of the signs are presently obscured by trees, it cannot have entirely escaped the notice of local drivers that the Summerfield end of Stanklyn Lane, where the houses are, now has a 30mph speed limit.

This has not been easily come by and the latest campaign began three years ago with a petition, when many local residents got sick and tired of having their pets mown down, dicing with death trying to get out of their driveways, several near-misses involving joggers, cyclists and horse-riders, and a serious, but thankfully not fatal, collision involving a child on a bicycle.

After attending meetings, writing letters, countless telephone calls and a game of pass-the-parcel between Wyre Forest and Wychavon district councils as to who was actually responsible (the lane falls under both) county policy changed and a speed limit was finally approved.

Soon to follow will be the red paint on the road which Keith Williams (Letters, August 2) loves so much.

Perhaps if cars, motorbikes and Mr White-Van-Man were driving past his house at 70mph while his children and pets were outside, he would alter his opinion.

If people persist on driving past at unreasonable speeds, maybe our next campaign will be for those other measures so adored by speeding motorists - cameras and speed humps.

These things are only inflicted on the rest of us because some people cannot respect the fact that they are driving through a residential area and need to take more care.


Stanklyn Lane, Kidderminster