WORCESTER firefighters were today collecting money for the stricken New York Fire Brigade, which is believed to have lost 300 firemen during Tuesday's tragedy.

Members of the city's Red Watch were due to collect money today, tomorrow and Saturday at Crown Gate's Chapel Walk. All of the money raised will be donated to the New York Fire Brigade.

Dave Smith, county secretary for the Fire Brigade Union, said the collection demonstrated the camaraderie of firefighters and emergency services across the globe who are prepared to risk their lives to save others.

"It's with increasing horror we watch the scenes and personal tragedy caused by the carnage," he said.

"It's at this time our thoughts must be with those 300 firefighters and 85 policemen missing while carrying out their duties to save lives and it's this that has prompted us to hold the collection."

West Mercia's Chief Constable Peter Hampson has sent messages of condolence and support to colleagues in the Port of New York and New Jersey Police, who are responsible for the World Trade Centre, the New York Police Department and American Embassy in London

"I'm sure all our thoughts are with the families of those who have died or been seriously injured and with those who are now seeking to rescue and recover the injured and dead," said Mr Hampson.

Meanwhile Worcester City Council executive board members, which met last night, all stood for a moment's silence on the request of the board's chairman, Councillor Robert Rowden.

"I think we're all aware of the tragedy in America and we're very sorry for all the people in the planes which crashed into the World Trade Centre and other targets.

"We feel particularly for those rescue workers on whom the buildings collapsed."

The council has been ordered to take all flags down as a mark of respect to the victims.

Members of Worcestershire County Council, due to meet this morning, were also planning to hold a minute's silence.

"We express our deepest sympathies to the families of the casualties in this appalling tragedy," said chairman Councillor Peter Fallows.

Inside Story: Page 7. Home and Abroad Special: Pages 14/15.