I AM proud to be the county councillor for the Claines Electoral Division, which incorporates Pitchcroft.

At least twice a week, my wife and I walk along its riverside boundary. I also run around it, and in the floods I thought about sailing over it!

Pitchcroft provides an island of tolerance, with walkers, runners, anglers, canoeists, responsible dog owners, rowers and footballers among those who enjoy the broad open expanse within the city.

I object, most strongly, to any suggestion of petty restrictions imposed by any single interest group that seeks to claim "ownership".

In particular, I see no sensible reason to prevent the people of Worcester being able to walk across the grassland.

I also object to the way the towpath behind the grandstand has been blocked off at present with little care of other users.

The citizens of Worcester expect to be able to roam at will across Pitchcroft, a right that they have enjoyed since 1899.

I will endeavour to see that they are able to continue to exercise and safeguard this privilege.

ANDREW ROBERTS, County Councillor, Claines Division, Worcester.