THE Conservative leadership contest is enormously significant for the Leominster Constituency.

I was present at Bill Wiggin's eve-of-election speech when his closing rallying call, delivered with gusto, was "keep the pound", "help the farmers" and "we want less of Europe, not more".

I know many in the constituency voted for him on the strength of such statements because of their vehement wish to oppose the pro-European Labour and LibDem parties.

No doubt in supporting Ian Duncan-Smith, Bill knows he has an ally who, if he wins, will need all the support he can get in the battle against the opposite faction of the Conservative Party.

However, if Ken Clarke becomes leader, Mr Wiggin will face an impossible scenario.

Vastly different

He will be representing the people of Leominster within a party with a vastly different policy from that on which he was elected.

He will find himself on the opposite side of the Tory divide, no doubt haemorrhaging supporters badly to the UK Independence Party and having to preach a completely different message to his constituents.

Perhaps, when embarking on his ambitious local roadshow, Bill should ensure that he has two scripts handy!

CHRISTOPHER KINGSLEY, Moreton-on-Lugg, Herefordshire.