September 10, 1976

PRIME Minister James Callaghan will stop off at the Leys High School when he visits Redditch because of his interest in dual-use facilities.

Mr Callaghan will stop at the school for half an hour to see pupils at work and take a look at the sports complex.

Mr Gordon Anstis, headmaster of the Leys, said he believed Mr Callaghan was especially interested in the dual-use scheme which operates at the school.

The premier will visit new town estates by car and will arrive at the school at about 3pm.

He is expected to be at Worcester Square by 3.45pm, where he will unveil a plaque commemorating his visit.

After speeches from Mr Callaghan and Redditch District Council chairman Horace Shakels, the party will take tea with guests at the Ecumenical Centre, Redditch.