I WOULD like to add my name to the list of people who want the eye laser to remain at the Alexandra Hospital.

I have been receiving laser treatment on my eyes for several years.

At first, I had to travel to Bromsgrove Hospital three times a year.

The journey and subsequent treatment was made more difficult by the travelling time, the difficulty in parking and, after treatment, I needed someone to drive me home.

I was pleased to contribute to the laser fund as I knew it would be much more convenient if I could get treatment in Redditch and that the new equipment would also be a big help to my consultant, Mr Das.

I now hear the laser may be taken to Kidderminster. This is grossly unfair on the consultant and the patients and families who raised the money to buy the laser for Redditch.

We should not have to suffer because of an unjust bureaucratic decision. We should be consulted on this matter.

The laser should not be removed - we did not raise the money to buy a laser for Kidderminster - we raised the money to buy a laser for Redditch and this is where it should stay.

Ron Treadgold

Manor Road
