POWICK residents opposing plans to build a home for problem children will have a chance to air their views at a public meeting tonight.

The parish council will be discussing proposals to convert Dodfield Horn, Colletts Green, into a home for children with behavioural difficulties at a planning meeting.

The proposals have already been scrutinised by the committee once, but changes have been made and they have had to be re-assessed.

More than 80 residents turned up at the original meeting where councillors decided to recommend the controversial application be refused.

"The development would bring a commercial interest into the village which would change the nature of the village irrevocably," said Beverley Bell, one protester.

"What Clifford House are trying to do for the children is excellent and I am not in any way criticising their work.

"I just think there are places which are better suited to it, as any person, including the children staying at Dodfield Horn, are at risk on the track leading up to the building."

A spokesman for Clifford House, the organisation which is proposing the scheme, said the home would house 36 children with behavioural difficulties who are in the care of the local authority.

They would only stay there during school hours.

Residents opposing the scheme object on the grounds it would make the road unsafe as there would be too much traffic.

They are also concerned the track leading up to the building would not cope with an increase in traffic.

Other concerns include the introduction of a business into a purely residential area and previous planning history.

The meeting is being held at 7.30pm at the Callow End Pavilion, Lower Ferry Lane, Callow End.

Once a recommendation is made, a formal decision will be taken by Malvern Hills District Council.