VILLAGERS turned out in force to object to a scheme which could open up 600 acres of farmland near Droitwich Spa to the public.

Farmer Hugh Wylie, who owns Crutch Farm, in Elmbridge, is proposing to place his land into a Countryside Stewardship Scheme with designated public access. But only if he gets permission for 50 acres of residential development.

Mr Wylie's plans met with strong opposition at the Hampton Lovett and Westwood Parish Council meeting last Wednesday.

Members invited a Wychavon District Council planning officer to give a presentation about the authority's emerging Local Plan and the need to find room for more than 1,200 houses in the district over the next ten years.

Cllr Andrew Christian-Brookes (Con, Lovett) attended the meeting.

He said: "Around 100 people packed into the village hall and many of them stood up to say they are unhappy about Mr Wylie's plans.

"They feel that all other options have yet to be exhausted."

Mr Wylie said: "I was hoping to give a presentation about my plans at the meeting but was told that was not possible.

"Villagers are complaining about something they know nothing about.

"I'm keen to have an opportunity to share my ideas with residents."