A FORMER West Malvern resident is preparing to tackle a two-week cycle ride which will cover the 878 miles from Land's End to John O'Groats.

John Hembury, 67, a grandfather to six, is undertaking the journey both to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Relief and as a personal challenge.

A keen cyclist, Mr Hembury has been riding since he was at school, and is no newcomer to long distance rides.

In the last three years he has ridden from Calais to Trieste, from Caen to Nice and from Bordeaux to Biarritz, Biarritz to Severe, along the range of the Pyrenees, and back to Bordeaux, a journey of 1,000 miles in 12 days.

"I cycled a lot in my youth and took it up again about 13 years ago," he said.

Asked why he embarks on such long rides, he said: "Because they're there. I like to test myself.

"I've never done Land's End to John O'Groats, which is a traditional ride in this country. It's a fixed aim, not just the ride but the three or four months training. I like to pit myself against the distance, I've always liked challenges."

Mr Hembury has been in training for the event for several months and was relaxing this week before the big day tomorrow (Saturday), when he leaves Land's End without any back-up.

"I've done about 1,500 miles over the last three months, up to 90 miles a day depending on how I feel," he said.

"You need to get yourself very acclimatised to your saddle if you're going to spend eight to ten hours a day in it. Lots of things ache when you first ride a bike."

The decision to raise money for Macmillan came after Mr Hembury approached John Redfern, a friend and also chairman of the Malvern Hills Committee for the charity.

"We have friends who have benefited from Macmillan nurses themselves," Mr Hembury said.

Mr Redfern said: "Support like John's makes it possible for us to continue to improve and extend facilities for the treatment of cancer patients and the care of their families.

"Four out of ten of us are likely to be affected by cancer and the needs in Worcestershire grow daily.

"We are very grateful to John Hembury for the enormous, real effort he is making to help us."

If anyone would like to sponsor Mr Hembury, now of The Leigh in Gloucestershire, they can call Mr Redfern on 01684 575116.