PARISH COUNCIL: The chairman reminded all councillors that a vacancy for a parish councillor still remained and was required to be filled by co-option at the earliest opportunity. It was thought that it would be in order that someone from Besford would be suitable until the next election when the ratio of 7 Defford to 2 Besford councillors could be alerted to take account of the substantial increase in the Besford population which would result from the ongoing building programmes. The planning application W01/01016/PP by Mr J Sexton for the construction of 5'0'' high wattle fencing panels to no's 3-5 Lower Drive was objected to as contrary to the approved landscaping plans and detrimental to the visual amenity of the thatched cottage. The application W01/01151/PP by Mr M Carlton Smith was not substantially different from previous applications and therefore previous comments were applicable. R Brookes declared an interest in this matter.

Planning decisions had been received as follows: W01/00161/CU Defford Millennium Green Trust approved with conditions. It was considered that some of the conditions were too onerous and the clerk would ask Mr Peter Wright, district councillor to intervene on behalf of the trust which had strict time and monetary targets. W01/00173/OU Mr D Robinson refused. Contrary to County Structure Plan and Local Plan Policies. Prominent position and access detrimental to rural character and appearance of the area. W01/00385/LB Mr and Mrs R Hudson approved subject to materials matching existing. W01/00664/PP Mr M J Healey approved. W01/00696/PN Mr D Griffin approved subject to section 106 agreement limiting any further development plus agricultural occupancy condition. The notes of the Cross agency meeting of May 16 regarding Ivory Plant Hire had been received giving details of continuing legal action. Mr Adrian Hardman reported that they were in court that day and a full trial was imminent. The replacement hedge as part of the landscaping scheme at Defford Arms had been agreed to be planted this autumn. The clerk would contact Peter Wright regarding a proposed mobile phone mast at Bakers Hill Farm. Notification had at last been received that the pumping station had been commissioned for Harpley Road residents. This would allow connection to the new sewer to be completed. The chairman and clerk had again met representatives of Barhale Construction and agreed all outstanding remedial work. This would be completed by the autumn planting season. The new stone topping to footpath no 9 had been applied to a greater depth than planned and would be compacted to accelerate settling down. The gully at Box Tree Close junction would be reinstated. The report from Mr Roy Ottley public footpaths officer advised that a list of adopted footpaths would be approved. No 12 had been added this year. Defford paths 12, 16, and 17 had been attended to now that foot and mouth regulations had been lifted. Although some paths still remained closed. Evening walks had recommenced and would be held from August 14. Mr Hardman would pursue the clearing of the footpath along the A4104 with highways. The Millennium Green had been cleared and further work would begin in earnest. All had to be completed by December 31 or the grant would be in jeopardy. A plea for additional help was made. Anyone willing to help in any capacity was urged to contact Stuart Jefferies at Cobble Cottage, Church Lane. A decision could not be reached on the proposed materials for the RAF memorial and it was therefore agreed that the clerk would call an open meeting to discuss these details. The state of St Peters Lane was discussed at length and it was generally agreed that this was the ideal time to carry out repairs. Adrian Hardman would take this up with Highways. The double yellow line scheme for Harpley Road proposed by the Highways unit was also discussed at length and proved to be too controversial. The chairman and John Brookes declared interests. Put to the vote councillors Ian Spiers and Mike Pegg favoured a slightly modified plan. However councillors Ann Roe and Stuart Jefferies opposed yellow lines in principle. The casting vote was given to Russell Brookes as vice chairman who declared that he was against yellow lines. The clerk was therefore requested to inform Highways that the council had now changed its mind on this matter. A brief discussion regarding the next review of the Local Plan followed. Due to the number of representations that it was known had been made by local landowners for release of more land for building, it was agreed that the clerk should distribute copies of the current plan to all councillors for comments. At this stage the chairman called a guillotine on further business due to the lateness of the hour.