SUMMER FLOWER SHOW: This year's summer show was judged a great success by the 150 plus people who visited St George's Hall in Blockley last Saturday. There were some 400 exhibits, covering vegetables, flowers, cookery, photography and young people's sections - where the painted flowerpots made a great show. The sunny day helped to create a great atmosphere and both local people and a number of holiday visitors were very impressed by the colourful displays and the standards achieved by the exhibitors.

Awards: The Captain Spencer Cup - highest aggregate in show - John Baldwyn; The Northwick Cup - highest aggregate in A, veg - John Baldwyn; The Coldstream Cup - highest aggregate in B, flowers - Miss T M Jones; The Moore Cup - highest aggregate in C, cookery - Carol Jones; The Rathbone Cup - highest aggregate in D, arrangements - Ann Brown; The Taylor Cup - highest aggregate in photography - Annabelle Baldwyn; The Hilda Payne Memorial Tankard - best spring sown onion, A15 - Alan Cother; The Payne Cup - best container of mixed perennials, B52 - Mrs Ann Brown; The Blockley Wives Silver Salver - highest aggregate in show by a lady - Miss T M Jones; The Cook Cup - best exhibit in photography - Susan Collins; The Allotment Cup - best allotment - Derek Butler; The Dicks Cup - highest aggregate in F, young people - Maisie Jury; The Society Cup - best container - Sue Toye; RHS Bronze medal - best exhibit by a member in A, veg - Alan Cother; RHS Bronze medal - best exhibit by a member in B, flowers - Miss T M Jones; RHS Banksian medal - highest aggregate in horticultural classes - John Baldwyn.