I HAVE to agree with the letter printed regarding children "playing" in quiet residential streets.

However, the word "playing" is not one I would use to describe my own personal experiences of children's recreational activities.

I too live in what used to be a quiet, tranquil place, until quite recently, when we were invaded by a group of extremely ill-mannered children, who appear to be hell-bent on disturbing and upsetting neighbours.

A number of us have had property damaged, dread setting foot outside our front doors for fear of foul language and other verbal abuse, and live with almost constant noise.

Coupled with parents who seem to condone and even encourage such behaviour, our lives have been a misery for some time now.

I used to love the place where I live but, sadly, I too have been forced to consider moving.

I apologise for the fact that my letter is not concerned primarily with the safety of these children. Readers who have had similar experiences will understand that, right now, that is not uppermost in my mind.