A POPULAR annual fete near Bromsgrove has had to be cancelled because of the foot and mouth crisis which is still having far reaching consequences.

The Catshill-based Blue Cross Animal Adoption Centre fete, which was due to take place this Saturday, September, has been called off.

It is the centre's main fundraising event and last year collected more than £7,000.

Manager Neil Edwards said: "The decision had to be taken because of the foot and mouth outbreak."

He said it was a great disappointment to the centre and to its many supporters that the decision had to be taken.

He added: "The centre was closed for more than four and a half months and we had to take the step to cancel as we didn't know when we would re-open.

"It is a great shame as it is a popular show and attracts some 5,000 people.

"We are sorry to everyone who normally comes but we hope to have a show next year."

He added: "I would like to thank everyone for their support this year through out difficult time and let's hope we get back to normal next year."