August 27, 1976

A NINETY-year-old Salvation Army Officer has made a nostalgic return to the Crabbs Cross Citadel where he was converted 72 years ago.

Crabbs Cross-born Lieut Colonel Albert Gardner was accompanied by his wife of five years, Frances, and his daughter, Brigadier Rosemary Gardner, who is soon to leave for Rhodesia where she will take up the appointment of Principal of the Salvation Army Officers' Training College.

Colonel Gardner addressed a congregation on how he became a Christian in the old Crabbs Cross Citadel, which sat next to the Star and Garter.

He was then conducted around the new town centre, which he said was 'quite tremendous'.

The memories came flooding back as the colonel recalled contemporaries like Alderman James Henry Taylor MBE and stories such as the murder of Pc Davis by Morris Shrimpton, the poacher.