WHY do people moan and try to blame others when they (or their friends) are caught breaking the law?

Speed is a killer and excessive speed is a whole lot worse.

No one is infallible and although drivers think they are perfect and could never have an accident, it is only what they think.

The number of times I have seen vehicles travelling at excessive speeds on local roads subject to what I call a very reasonable 30mph limit is horrendous.

The offenders cover a broad range of people but are mostly young drivers, 22-35 years of age and "white van" delivery drivers.

These are also the same ones who feel it is essential to park on, or half on, the pavements/footpaths, have loud thump-thump music which can be heard 100 yards away, and generally exhibit a'"get a move on' or 'get out of my way I'm in a rush' attitude and pressurise by tailgating.

I am absolutely certain the severity of an accident increases in proportion to the speed.

When the 70mph limit was introduced on motorways, the number and severity of accidents dropped.

It has also been shown that a reduction of 40-odd per cent has been achieved by introducing speed cameras in certain areas.

Surely, most people welcome this, especially relatives of injured and fatally injured accident victims.

The roads are so crowded now that we cannot afford to let people drive just how they like, there must be a tight control.

If one drives within the law, there is no need to be frightened where there might be cameras.

One only has to look at the terrifically high death and accident rates in some continental countries that do not check bad and fast driving to know that what we do is going the right way.

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