PROPOSALS to extend the hours and operations of a controversial Worcester tip which has had residents up in arms for 30 years could be binned by county councillors next week.

Worcestershire County Council officers have urged councillors to throw out the application by Mercia Waste to lengthen the open hours and bring in new equipment at the Hallow Road household waste site.

People living near the site, who have been opposing the plans since they were first revealed last month, are hoping they will be able to breathe a sigh of relief.

"This means everything to us because it's been going on for 30 years, which is a lifetime," said June Roberts, of Riverview Close. "We've never known what it's like to have a peaceful life in all that time, so we're very pleased.

"We're glad it's nearly all over as it's been a very difficult time - you just don't expect people to live like this in the 21st Century."

Mercia Waste wants to extend opening hours from 8am to 6pm seven days a week, excluding Christmas, Boxing and New Year's Day, with maintenance work being done between 7.30am and 8.30am each day.

Compaction equipment will also be brought in and the site extended.

Council officers have recommended the plans should be rejected as the increased traffic would be a danger to pedestrians and would mean too much lorry traffic during the rush hour.

They are also concerned about the effect the development would have on residents, and agree the roads near the site are not wide enough to cope with heavy goods vehicles.

A final decision will be made by councillors at a Worcestershire's planning and regulatory committee meeting next Monday.