IT is time a campaign was mounted to shame the city council into clearing up the litter which defiles our lovely city.

As an individual who cares, I have joined the Duckworth Worcestershire Trust as volunteer neighbourhood litter warden.

I have dogs and I walk them every day. I carry bags to clear up after my dogs. For a long time I have picked up litter as well, which I then dispose of when I get rid of my doggy do's. It couldn't be easier!

It is something every responsible dog walker in the city could do. What a difference it would make!

Being formally involved with helping to clear up litter in Worcester has made me see clearly how badly we are served by our council.

Most of the city centre and the riverside, the very areas that most visitors to Worcester spend their time in, are shamefully neglected by our council.

The only effective way to keep the city centre clean is to have men on foot, with barrows and brushes and shovels.

There need to be more of them and they need to patrol the city far more often. Most important of all, they need to work at weekends. I invite everyone who cares about our city to take a walk around on a Sunday afternoon.

The mess you'll see will prompt you all to ask the question - what do we pay our council tax for?


Diglis, Worcester.