MY favourite song from the musical Fiddler on the Roof is If I were a rich man, especially the last two lines "Would it spoil some vast eternal plan, if I were a wealthy man?"

The word treasure is often equated with wealth, so if someone asked, 'where is your treasure?' most of us would claim not to have any!

There are many things that we treasure - family, friends, hopes and secret longings and Jesus said 'Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also'.

What we often forget is that He treasures us.

However, we under-estimate ourselves. To God we are special, no-one is quite like any other person in looks, or mannerisms or thoughts or actions and God values us as the individuals we are.

When we put our treasure - ourselves - into God's hands we have all the treasures of His grace to benefit from which gives a fulfilling and satisfying return.

THE Rev. Marjorie Stanton-Hyde, Great Malvern Priory.