THE nursery school, which residents of Upton-upon-Severn have been long awaiting, is finally beginning to take shape.

Conversion of the derelict barn at Clive's Fruit Farm is now well underway, and the new nursery should be open next month. It will provide up to 40 places for children and around 10 jobs when at full capacity.

"We're tremendously excited about it," said Jane Clive, who will help to run the nursery.

"The tiles aren't even on the roof yet and already requests are coming in.

"We've got a supervisor, Clare Tudge, and we've been inundated with applications for the other posts since advertising them.

"It's about time Upton had a nursery. All these developments for small families have been built, but no provision for childcare has been made.

"I've been a health visitor for 12 years in Upton, and all that time people have been saying they need a nursery."