THE next round will be on the winner of the Evening News beer festival competition.

Mike Butler won the 36-pint barrel of Special Bright from St George's Brewery, Callow End, after entering the paper's Real Ale in the Summer Sun contest and correctly matching brewery names with locations on a map.

The competition was organised in association with St George's Brewery and the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), which is currently staging Worcester's third Beer and Cider Festival.

"We'll be attacking the barrel this evening with a few friends and family," said Mr Butler, of Droitwich Road, Worcester.

"I was going to save it for a barbecue next week, but someone from the brewery said it might not last that long."

Mr Butler has an interest in real ale and describes himself as a casual social drinker.

"I was at the beer festival but I could only have a couple of drinks because I was bringing the barrel back in the boot of the car," he added.

Four runners-up each received a pair of tickets to attend any session of the festival.

Visitors are expected to down more than 10,000 pints of beer, cider and perry at the festival, which is being held until Sunday, at Worcester Racecourse.