A KIND-hearted woman who helped raise £120,000 has stepped down as chairman of the Evesham branch of the Arthritis Research Campaign.

Gladys Williams is retiring because of failing health after 13 years at the helm of the charity's branch.

She was helping at the Evesham Volunteers Centre when the ARC chairman Jean Jephcote brought her on to the committee in 1988.

Councillors Ron Cartwright and John Smith joined branch members for a farewell get-together.

"Gladys has a huge heart. She has done a lot of good work in the community and will be sorely missed," said John Taylor, ARC branch support officer for the West Midlands.

"In latter years, with failing eyesight and hearing she had to use a magnifying glass and say 'pardon' a lot, much to the mirth of the committee."

The Evesham branch is one of the top fund-raising branches of the charity that has raised more than £23m for research and is the fifth largest medical research charity in the UK.