SO Rachel Lewis has left Health Concern and joined the Liberals.

What a surprise. She says that they are more interested in local issues.

Is she admitting that Health Concern are a single issue party?

It is about time this swapping parties when in office was stopped. Those concerned should either stick it out or call for another election and pay towards its costs.

Councillor Lewis was elected on an emotive single issue subject where, let us face it, a goldfish would have won the seat if it had somewhere to pin a Health Concern rosette on it.

Now that she's got the job she announces that she is going to join another party which did not stand in her ward.

Perhaps we should ask Councillor Ron White about it because he has also left Health Concern.

As I write this letter he is an independent. Yes, he is another one who has swapped parties.


Sutton Park Road, Kidderminster