ON July 1, there was a coach trip organised by Jill and Alan Hitchcock to the National Botanical Gardens in Wales.

There was a good turnout, with 48 on the coach.

The gardens were enjoyable and well worth a visit.

There are plans to increase the gardens quite extensively.

On July 5 at Alvechurch Baptist Hall, Alan Craske gave an illustrated talk on the restoration of the Holly Maze at Castle Bromwich.

More than £4 million has already been spent on restoring the walled gardens.

Alan got involved as a volunteer by a chance remark made at a garden party. He was snapped up and has given his time in a practical manner for the last 15 years.

The maze was badly overgrown with self-seeded sycamores. All these had to be removed and the hollies themselves cut down to three-inch stubs.

This showed the shape of the maze and they began to regenerate. The hollies are now about 5 ft high, so only another foot to go.

There are many different varieties of holly in the maze and there are 800 holly trees.

It takes 20 days, twice a year, to keep them in shape.

The maze was planned in the 17th century, planted in the 18th century, enjoyed in the 19th century, fell into disuse in the 20th century and is restored in the 21st century.

On July 8, Diana Yates and Jean Nokes led a group on a tour of the Lenches villages, passing through quiet lanes and viewing pretty cottages and gardens, ending at the Lenches Club.

On July 19, more than 30 members enjoyed an open evening with supper in Jean's garden. This event had a Country and Western theme and all entered into the spirit of the evening, which was arranged by Jean Nokes and Diana Yates.

For membership details, call 870707.