AT the June meeting, Mrs. F. Howatson gave a talk about ecclesiastical embroidery, a talk on Church Embroidery and manufacture of Vestments etc. for all denominations.

Most important of all is the altar linen embroidered with religious symbols.

There are a tremendous number of rules to abide by and certain colours to be used.

As women are now being ordained, the shape is different and the garments had to be re-designed to fit.

Most ancient design is the Pomegranite (said to be used as a medicine). Also, maybe the apple in the Garden of Eden was a pomegranite.

At the July meeting, president Angela welcomed Sheila Parr.

The bottle stall at the Alcester street market, and the coffee evening at Oversley Green had both been most successful.

The Operation Christmas Child boxes are to be ready by November 4.

Mrs Parr gave her report on a packed meeting at Cardiff. The autumn council meeting is on October 17.

The speakers were Wendy and Alison from Warkwickshire Domestic Violence Support Services.

This is an organisation about making positive changes and very much about hope.

Not enough was being done for women who suffer from domestic violence.

It is most important to deal with the emotional side and so a telephone help line, a counselling service and a refuge centre have been opened.

There was also the question of helping children with their emotional problems.

They found Stratford not very straightforward as it is a rural area and obviously there are problems with "isolation areas".

However, they are kept busy with their very worthwhile jobs.

The competition for the prettiest mug was won by Marion Cargill and raffle winners were Margaret Sheldon, Angela Watson and Wendy Elmes.

The next meeting is on September 14 .