A ONCE familiar feature in Bromsgrove town centre is set to return after an absence of around three decades.

The horse trough that for more than 60 years had been a feature in the Strand area of Bromsgrove, before being moved to Sanders Park in the 1970s, is to be brought back to its original spot, as reported in last week's Advertiser/Messenger.

It was presented to the town in 1912 as a memorial to solicitor Benjamin Hadley Sanders by his daughters -- who later donated the land for the park off Kidderminster Road which bears their name.

Mr Sanders, who died in 1910, was clerk to Bromsgrove council for 50 years.

Last Wednesday members of Bromsgrove District Council's executive cabinet agreed to a proposal from Matthew Horton, for the trough to return to its original site. He had indicated his firm, based in Strand House, would be prepared to fund the project which includes erecting security fencing.

The financial details will be drawn up by the council's district secretary Bob Lewis.

Mr Horton said he was delighted at the decision and hoped it would not be long before it was brought back and restored to its former glory.