DEAR EDITOR - In response to Mrs Gilday's letter in the Advertiser/Messenger regarding a shortfall in school places within the district, it is grossly unfair to lay the blame at the door of the district council.

Adequate education provision is the duty of the county council and they should not shirk their responsibilities.

This is not a question of passing the buck - the issue is much more serious than that.

In 1992 during the last review of the draft Bromsgrove District Local Plan, the county council was consulted and being fully aware of the then forthcoming Oakalls development proposals, the county's comments were as follows:-

"The developments specified in the draft plan were to a large extent expected and there should be no great difficulty in accommodating pupils from the new development at existing schools.

"This is likely to bring many of the Bromsgrove schools up to capacity and there would need to be early debate concerning development after the year 2001."

This letter dated March 13, 1992, from the country's chief planner continues, "At the moment the county council has no plans for the creation of new schools or the expansion of existing sites."

When the Barnsley Hall development was being considered, another substantial housing development, the county's comments were again sought and a similar reply was received.

The district council has never received a financial contribution from developers for education provision.

Cllr Psirides' claim that matters have now been resolved refers to our attempts to include in the current draft local plan for the district, a requirement for a financial contribution from developers to cater for any educational needs that may follow as a result of future developments.

This proviso is, of course, subject to the agreement of the planning inspector currently looking at the draft local plan.

Dennis Norton,


Planning committee,

Bromsgrove District Council.