THE 27th fete and car boot sale organised by Powick Playing Field Association went ahead on June 21 under threatening clouds but the rain held off and over 500 people enjoyed a variety of activities on the playing field. The usual attractions of face-painting, tombola, greasy pole, barbecue, children's sports, raffle, teas, cakes and white elephant kept everyone busy. An absorbing display of flexibility and energy was provided by the Malvern Gymnastics Club and an exciting presentation of fire fighting skills by the Malvern Young Firefig-hters brought a touch of colour to the surroundings and rides for children were given on the fire engine. The committee would like to thank all the helpers on the day, and the community of Powick for contributing goods and supporting the fete. Though the final total raised is not yet known, an excess of £1,500 is expected.

Forty people enjoyed the Powick Guild's trip to Bath in June, seeing the beautiful city at its best in sunshine.

The AGM was held in July with a general discussion on the future programme. The president Thea Wild, secretary Rita De Boer and treasurer Hazel Neale agreed to stand for a further year. There will not be a meeting in August, but the Septem-ber meeting will be on Tuesday 11 when there will be armchair keep fit. With the approach of autumn new members would be welcome to join at Powick Parish Hall at 2.30pm on the second Tuesday each month. (Men also welcome!)

Congratulations to Rachel Phelps of Upton Road, Callow End for her polished and beautiful performance as the leading lady - the piano teacher and librarian - in the WODYS production of The Music Man at the Swan Theatre, Worcester last week. The shining, colourful production was full of energy and rhythm and the singing was excellent. It was enjoyed by full houses including a number of interested people from Powick and Callow End. Also congratulations to Tom King, of King's End Lane, Powick who sang so confidently in a barber shop style quartet. Among the cast were Lucy Phelps and Ceri Whittal-Williams, of Callow End who as townsfolk were part of the chorus. Well done!

On Sunday the family service at St Peter's Church will be at 11am and will include a baptism. Powick parish ramblers have arranged a walk around Ledbury this Sunday. Meet at Great Malvern station to catch a bus at 9.45am. Further details from Rita de Boer on 01905 830256.