A BLACK leopard was reportedly spotted near Upton last night - by a cat expert who believes the animals are roaming the region.

Tom Jenkins, of Hanley Swan, spotted the black Alsatian-sized cat at twilight in Gilberts End.

Mr Jenkins, a self-confessed wildlife addict, will soon be spending time in Mongolia to study snow leopards. He confirmed the beast is definitely a leopard and not a jaguar as some believed.

He has been hunting the animal for the last few weeks and struck lucky when he went out for a stroll with 23-year-old sister Kate.

"We were walking back home along a footpath and something caught the corner of my eye," said the 20-year-old, of Picken End.

"When I looked across I saw the animal which looked at me before quickly slinking away.

"I was actually quite shocked and a bit scared even though we were out looking for it, so I didn't manage to get my camera out, but it was unmistakably a leopard."

There have been a number of sightings of the so-called Beast of Worcestershire over the past few years, with the latest at the weekend in Broughton Hackett.

Big cat experts believe there is a breeding pair of panthers roaming the region, and think a number of cubs have been born over the years.

Police have warned people not to approach the cats as their behaviour would be unpredictable. West Mercia spokesman Allen Peach said it would be difficult to tell how the animal would react if it was cornered or felt under pressure.