REGARDING your Front Page article on Mike Foster's plans to concentrate on drug dealers (Evening News, Tuesday, July 3) I have to say he's completely wasting his time asking the public to blow the whistle on dealers.

Here's a good example.

I reported dealers some years ago when living right next door to some. I was asked to help by recording car numbers, watching all house callers and so on.

Within the two months that it took the police to respond, the dealers had left and my local beat officer questioned where they had gone, explaining that a raid had been intended for that particular weekend!

Again, I reported another family who I knew had already been once raided, but were still dealing. This was about a year ago and, to this day, nothing has been done.

I also feel it very unfair that we are asked to give evidence when it's blatantly obvious the risks one would run.

There's far too much red tape and little action, so all I can say is good luck, Mr Foster - you'll need it.