MOST religion these days seems to receive a bad Press. Past wars, crusades, and racism are cited as reasons not to be religious.

Most critics seem to overlook the good work done by faithful people. However, comments such as those of Matthew A Clarke (You Say, July 2) show us that a closed mind and mediaeval attitudes do nobody any good.

To suggest that one form of Christianity is better than all others seems to cause rifts between people, as we see in disputed areas in the North of Ireland, for example.

As for other faiths, describing them as "heathen" isn't particularly open-minded or representative to my mind.

Proper respect

Proper respect is due for the religions of other people, who, contrary to scaremongering, are not trying to brainwash the nation into other faiths, merely trying to educate us, thus stopping bizarre attitudes such as Mr Clarke's becoming commonplace.

If a faithful person is doing good work for their community and family, surely it does not matter what particular faith they adhere to, but rather that they are doing something positive for other people.

