I TEACH environmental studies to school children all around the world. My students and I are of one mind in that global warming and other forms of air pollution remains the biggest threat to World safety.

Sea level rises, the increasing spread of malaria and the growing numbers of people being affected by breathing problems will result if we fail to stop the United States' Policy of polluting our planet.

How can the USA with only 5 per cent of the world's population cause so much damage with its over-reliance of fossil fuels and huge output of greenhouse gases.

Europe by contrast, with European Union initiatives, has already managed to cut down by 75 per cent of all gases contributing to acid rain since 1980 and will fulfil its obligations set down at Rio and Kyoto as regards greenhouse gases.

George Bush's obsession with anti-ballistic missiles will only start another arms race. America should address an issue that matters to the whole world whether rich or poor.

It's time the USA followed the European Union's example.


