I JUST had to put finger to computer to say how much my family and I enjoyed Clive James and Alistair McGowan over the weekend at the now-famous Ledbury Poetry Festival.

I thought Alistair McGowan's orange shirt was very co-ordinated with the Ledbury Poetry colour scheme this year! The Saturday evening was rounded off by a wonderful town party - a great evening for all ages.

I think what struck me most of all was the litter left in the High Street, but by the next morning a miracle had happened and Ledbury High Street was back to its usual tidy and pristine self. Many, many, congratulations to the cleaning department of Ledbury Town Council. Long live Ledbury Poetry Festival and the town council.

MS CATHARINE LUCK, The Southend, Ledbury.

n Festival reviews and pictures, see page 27 and centre spread.