ON a celebratory note, the Journal of 250 years ago reported a day of special events in 1751 to mark the anniversary of the Restoration to the Throne of Charles II.

"The day was observed in a very suitable manner. The morning was ushered in with the ringing of church bells, the erecting of garlands, and a very agreeable display of oak branches in all parts of the city.

''The Worshipful Mayor, the Aldermen and the rest of the Corporation, with others, went in grand procession through to the principal streets to divine service at the Parish Church of St Nicholas (our Cathedral being shut up in order to be new paved).

"At night the Mayor and Corporation, accompanied by several of the Officers of the Dragoons quartered here, and other Persons of Distinction, met at the Town Hall, which was fully illuminated" (by what? Candles?) "and where many loyal Healths were drunk.

''In the meantime there was a large bonfire lighted before the Town Hall."