SPEEDING drivers in Bromsgrove and Droitwich Spa are being urged to slow down as part of a hard-hitting nationwide road safety campaign.

A television advert, which forms part of the crack down, demonstrates how driving at just 5mph over a 30mph limit extends a driver's stopping distance by 6.4 metres. This is enough to risk killing a pedestrian.

It is part of the Government's £1m Think! Campaign which will be screened continuously throughout the year.

Radio adverts and leaflets will supplement the scheme sparked by research which revealed road traffic accidents are the most common cause for accidental death or injury among young people and children.

Nearly 200 youngsters were killed on Britain's roads in 2000.

Transport minister David Jamieson said: "Speeding in urban areas -- by just a few miles per hour -- will save little time on your journey. Cutting your speed could save a child's life."