BOAT owners who attended Upton's 16th jazz festival last weekend have been praised for their good-natured and well-disciplined behaviour.

Canal and river warden Malcolm Griffiths, of British Waterways, patrolled the riverside during the festival with colleagues, advising and directing visitors to safe moorings.

"It was well stewarded by the clubs who turned up and they have their own mooring officers and strict codes of conduct," he said.

"We were very busy directing 'strays' who didn't belong to any club. We spoke to a few people for speeding or for being a bit wild and creating a lot of wash, but it was all very pleasant and friendly.

"It was a good event and very safe, as far as I'm aware, from a boater's point of view."

Mr Griffiths was worried after witnessing 27 narrow boats moored to a single pontoon at a previous festival. He had told Upton town councillors of serious consequences if river conditions changed overnight.

Mayor Ernie Holder said: "There were no problems that I know of. The river was low and there was no rain and no likelihood of anything happening."