Further to the most encouraging letter from Helen Clarke ('Priory clearly alive', Postbag, June 22), the Malvern Churches Justice & Peace Group who had organised the Peace Exhibition, currently in the Priory Church, was "not forced to look for a vicar from outside the community" to lead the service of dedication.

Rather, they had invited the current chairman of Churches Together in Malvern who just happens to be vicar of Powick and Callow End, and also of Madresfield with Newland and Guarlford.

To an outsider, these may appear not to be in the local community. However, they are parishes which are very much part of the Malvern Churches scene.

I do also urge your readers to visit this excellent portrayal of the peace movement in the last century before it closes on July 4.

Philip Wetherall, secretary, Churches Together in Malvern,

Priory Road, Malvern. (via e-mail).