CHRISTOPHER Kingsley (Postbag, June 15) describes the 22,879 people who voted Conservative in the Leominster constituency as lemmings. Does he expect them to change their vote to him next time?

The United Kingdom Independence Party have shown a peculiar logic. They claim they want to withdraw from the EU and to keep the pound but their actions at the recent election has produced the opposite effect to that which they appear to intend. They have strengthened the position of the Liberal Democrats and New Labour, both committed to European integration and giving up the Pound.

Although at the moment things have been a little disappointing for Conservative supporters, there is good reason for optimism. In the local elections New Labour lost control of two councils, the Liberal Democrats lost two but the Conservative gained control of five, gaining 131 new councillors.

The Conservative Party is the only one sticking to its principals. The Labour Party disappeared into New Labour, the Liberal Party joined with some disaffected Labour members to become the Liberal Democrats and now, in all but name, they have joined New Labour.

COUN ALEC WALL, Bank Street, Stoke Bliss, Tenbury Wells.