A 23-year-old Harvington man is calling for parents to be vigilant after he dived into the Avon to save a small boy from drowning last Friday.

The weather was glorious, the Fish Inn at Wixford was packed with happy customers drinking and eating but disaster was not far away as children played by the riverbank.

James Beard said: "I was sitting having a drink with friends when two lads came running towards us shouting that a boy had fallen into the river.

"I could see he was in trouble, splashing about trying to keep his head above water, so I dived in and pulled him out.

"He couldn't swim and the water was really deep. I urge all parents to keep their eyes on their children at all times - especially near a river."

Pub landlord, Daniel Bearcroft said: "I am very grateful to Mr Beard for averting what might have been a very nasty incident.

"The pub was very busy at the time and I was in the kitchen."

Both parents of the child, thought to be about four or five, thanked Mr Bearcroft for his action and took their sobbing drenched boy home.

Mr Bearcroft said: "I jumped into the river with all my clothes on - my suit was ruined - but the main thing is the lad was saved."

Beat officer for the Vale, PC Tom Iddon, said: "It seems this child was given a second chance by a stranger's completely selfless act of bravery.

"At this time of the year water is very inviting to children.

"However they must be supervised at all times near rivers, which are much more dangerous than they look."