Evesham police are launching a scheme to cut car crime in the town.

They are holding a car security and safety day in the Safeway car park, from 10am to 4pm on Saturday.

Beat manager PC Tom Iddon said: "We will be giving advice on keeping your car secure. People can also have their child seats checked to see whether or not they are fitted correctly."

This year has so far seen a small fall in car crime in Wychavon. Since the beginning of April there have been 16 thefts from or of cars in the Pershore area and 50 in Evesham.

South Worcestershire crime risk manager PC Steve Chidlow said: "Although we haven't got a car crime problem, it has become noticeable in certain areas."

In-car security advice will be available at Halford's and experts will be on hand to offer advice on installing alarms, window etching and trackers. There will also be the chance to get your windows etched in exchange for a donation to the County air Ambulance.

PC Chidlow said one of the key areas was persuading people to use the security devices they already had and not to leave their car unlocked, windows open or the alarm switched off.

"You need to remove all valuables from the vehicle that you can and consider the location that you leave the vehicle in,"

The advice is free of charge and as part of the event Halford's is holding a prize draw to win an Autolock steering wheel shield. Anyone taking along a copy of this article from the Journal to the store will be eligible to have their names entered.