JUST a quick question, does anyone know what the speed limit is coming into Droitwich from the Copcut Island?

This town seems to have a fetish for road signs.

First as we approach the Island we are greeted by the Droitwich town sign, then once on the Island we meet another town sign, then rounding the corner into Worcester Road we are told the speed limit is 30mph, then we ride over the red speed strip which tells us the speed limit is 40mph, then finally we are told we are in Droitwich by another sign.

Well, we all know by now we are in Droitwich but what speed are we permitted to travel in the town?

I know we have got town signs at the other approach roads into Droitwich but do those roads also have a differing opinion on the speed limit?

It is good to see that some form of notification is in place but could we at least get it right, or is this yet another county blunder to add to the ever growing list of epics.

We read in this week's Advertiser the Highways efforts in Bromsgrove and the question of Best Value was brought up. Is it best value then, not to check what one is doing before it is done, especially when the rectification work will not only be expensive in terms of labour and materials but also in terms of other wastage, ie the time the road may have to be closed for the works, thus preventing people from getting to work.

Kev Pugh, via e-mail.