PARISH COUNCIL: Some of the items discussed at the meeting held on June 13: Apologies were received from A Christison and G Haywood. Present - A Lloyd, Mrs J Bayliss, C Emms, P Brown, R Heming, three parishioners, Mr Bean, county councillor, and Mr Saunders, housing enabler. Mr Saunders gave a brief summary of the outcome of the housing survey recently carried out. From this it had been established that there was a very low number of people requiring housing association low cost accommodation. There was still some dispute regarding the boundary fence in Arrow Lane. Mr Bean has agreed to take this matter up with Worcestershire County Council. The problem of the odour from the storage of mushroom compost in Old Lane is being investigated by Wychavon. Councillors are still concerned about lack of repair work to the bridge on the east/west side footpath and Worcestershire County Council, Rights of Way department are to be contacted again. There is still work to be carried out on the Cleeve Road to South Littleton footpath and councillors have requested this should be done as soon as possible.Following a safety report from ROSPA the middle swing on the play area has to be removed. Discussion took place regarding the facilities available on this play area and if any parishioners have any comments or suggestions please make them known to the parish council who would like to see better facilities. The request for a weight restriction on the Pebworth Road over sheepwash bridge has been refused on the grounds that there is no structural reason for a restriction. Wychavon have been asked for the landscaping plans at Kanes. The parish council have requested Wychavon to provide of dog fouling bins. The seat on 'The Pound' has again been vandalised and repairs will have to be carried out. A request has been received from the WI for provision of litter bins on the Pound and the bus stop at the crossroads. A planning application had been received from no 4 School Lane for an extension on the side of the property. There were no comments regarding this application. It was reported the transport provided by W R Spring at a reasonable cost every Thursday was being discontinued at the end of June.

Next meeting July 25, at 7.30pm in the village hall.