ILMINGTON SINGERS: The Ilmington Singers presented their summer concert with the help of some of their young friends this year. There are many talented young musicians in the village, the youngest to join us being Rose Perry who plays the clarinet and Hannah Blaikie who plays the flute, both are 10-years-old, 11- year-olds Sophie Bagnall and Ingrid Matts played a violin duet. We were also glad to welcome back flautist Caroline Allen. The Singers' choice of music this year featured traditional folk music, Greensleeves, Afton Water and Linden Lea from England, The Eriskay Love Lilt from Scotland, the Londonderry Air, a negro spiritual and an English madrigal among others. The choir was led by its retiring choirmaster Arthur Knapp, and by its new conductor, Roger Rippin. Our young accompanist, Sophie Gallant, also played a solo. The Orchard Folk Trio delighted the audience with a selection of jigs and reels which got toes tapping, hand clapping and a roar of appreciation. It was a lively and convivial evening. The Singers were pleased to see so many of their friends there and thank them for their support, and for making the event an enjoyable affair.