PARISH COUNCIL: Open Forum: A complaint was received about horse manure on the pavements in the village, particularly in Weston Road.

County Council: Coun T Bean was absent from the meeting, coun G Bourne thanked to everyone who had supported him in the recent elections.

District Council: Coun G Bourne reported there were no planning applications for this area. He had discussed the question of registration of plans with head of Planning at Wychavon. He expressed concern at the condition of the roads through the village and drains which had not been cleared.

Burial Ground: Committee to look at how many graves need to be levelled. Work would be done in due course.

Parish Councillor Vacancy: Notification had been received advising the parish council could make a co-opted appointment to the council.

Bird Scarers: Leaflets had been sent from the Environment Health giving guidelines on the use of bird scarers following a recent complaint.

Community First: Approval was given for renewal of subscription.

WCC - Foot and Mouth Disease: Further correspondence had been received on the up-to-date position in Worcestershire.

WDC - Village Consultations: Will be held in the Memorial Hall on July 17 between 2.30pm to 7pm. Covering the future of the village for the next ten years.

Vale Volunteer Centre: Another request for funding had been received, unable to make a donation on this occasion.

WCC - County Structure Plan: Adoption of proposals for the Replacement Structure Plan would come into effect on June 4.

WDC - Concessionary Fares: Will be distributed on Monday, July 16 at Royal British Legion Club between 10am to 1pm.

CPRE: Subscription would be renewed for the year 2001/2.

Bus Service Changes: Notification had been received of changes to one service in Bretforton.

Planning - Withdrawn: Mr Rygus, site at Stoneford Barn, Stoneford Lane. Construction of Palisade fence. Under investigation.

Roads/Footways/Greening of the Village: Damaged kerb stones were reported in Stoneford Lane, a drain is insecure following the damage.

Overgrown shrub is causing visibility problems for motorists exiting Orchard Close.

Grass and saplings growing through the railings at Main Street/Coldicotts Lane junction, also Main Street/Shop Lane junction make it difficult to see on coming vehicles. Conifer trees overhang the footpath in School Lane, pedestrians unable to use the path.

New Street: Fence has been moved on land adjacent to bus shelter, under investigation.

Victoria Arms: Complaints received about brick wall in front of listed building, under investigation.

Station Road: Hole in verge adjacent to drain has been reported to Highways Partnership, cover has been broken.

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on July 9, in the Memorial Hall starting at 7.15pm with open forum.