THROUGH your newspaper, may I pay the following tribute to Pershore Operatic and Dramatic Society (PODS), for the wonderful show, Me and My Girl which they presented at the Swan Theatre, Worcester. May I say congratulations! This was your best yet.

The show was performed with great professionalism, everyone playing their part with skill and talent.

How proud one felt watching this wonderful performance, proving that PODS has reached tremendous heights.

To be able to attract a packed audience each evening at the Swan Theatre and the fully deserved standing ovation on Saturday evening said it all.

How fortunate we are in Pershore to have this wonderful talent in PODS and PODYS. The costumes, lighting and scenery were superb as were the orchestra. Full praise must be given to the very proud director and everyone who participated, in any way, should be complimented. We all came away feeling fully pledged to assist in every possible way to see the Pershore Theatre for the Arts a reality, and as soon as possible! PODS' dedication and enthusiasm over the years has proved this point.

Well done PODS. We all await your first production in Pershore's own arts centre theatre. Every success for the future as you strive for this goal.

BETTY HUGHES, councillor, Nogains, Pershore.