PERMISSION has been granted for a golf driving range at Bidford Grange Hotel, despite objections from Temple Grafton Parish Council and several residents.

The main concern was floodlighting on the range would have an impact on the night-time environment.

Concerns were expressed by Temple Grafton council because the range was against the boundary with Temple Grafton and the hamlet of Hillborough.

Eleven letters were received by Stratford Council from residents about floodlighting, which they felt would cause "light pollution of the night sky and spillage of light onto adjacent residential properties".

Other concerns were the extension of activities into the evening hours would spoil the peace and tranquillity of the area and there would be a danger from "fast drive golf balls to members of the public using a public footpath located near the proposal".

A district council cabinet report stated: "Temple Grafton Parish Council still feels the lighting is the main problem with this application.

"As there are several houses in close proximity to the golf club, it feels this lighting could be a real nuisance and they could, therefore, only approve the application if this was kept to a minimum."

The Council for the Protection of Rural England asked for permission to be refused because of pollution from light and noise.

But after hearing information from the applicant, the district council granted permission with conditions, including restrictions on the floodlighting and the hours in which it could be used.