I am encouraged by Gordon Brown's Mansion House speech, as it strongly suggests that it is unlikely Labour will attempt to abolish the pound during this term of government because, as he put it, they will be unable to meet their five economic conditions.

The truth, as we know, is that entry into the EU and abolishing the pound for the euro really have little to do with the economy. It is principally about politics, power and personal recognition.

Both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are well aware that to go for a referendum on either issue at the present time or, in the foreseeable future, would be political suicide.

More than half the country and the majority of large and small businesses are in favour of keeping the pound and rejecting the EU.

It should therefore be some consolation to the members and supporters of the UK Independence Party, that our message outlining the dangers involved in following this path in the EU has, through the electorate, curtailed this government's planned fast-track policy.

We must not, however, rest on our laurels, for this government will continue to pursue its stealth policy in giving away our sovereignty. Ireland has rejected the Nice treaty - we should have an opportunity to do the same.

TONY EAVES, United Kingdom Independence Party, Worcester